Monday, March 5, 2012

My latest project

I love throwing things away -- simplifying. In my family, I'm notorious for it. My motto is "if I don't use it, it goes in the trash!" (or, sometimes to Goodwill). It's not so much that I like throwing things away as much as I like simplifying. If I can find a good use for something, I'm glad to keep it. So, I was very excited to find a neat way to use my scrap fabric from sewing. A friend of mine told me save all my scrap fabric just in case! I was so tempted to throw it all away, but I've saved...well....most of it! I'm so glad I did, because the other day I learned how to make these cute flowers with them, and it's actually quite simple!

  • Start out by tracing a circle on your scrap fabric. You can use any round household item that's about 5-7 inches in diameter.

  • Next, cut the circle and press to get all the wrinkles out. 

  • Fold the edge of the circle (about 1/4 inch) under to the wrong side of the fabric and press.

  • Double thread a needle with enough thread to sew around the circle, and knot the end. Use a "gathering stitch" to sew around the edge of the circle through both layers of fabric. 

  • Gently pull the thread to gather the fabric and close up the center. Sew a few stitches across the center to secure your gathers. Flatten and press. It should look like this when you're done.

You can sew or glue your flowers onto so many things. The possibilities are endless! I decided to sew mine to a stretch headband with a cute little button in the middle :)

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