Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Something to think about....

As Christian women, we are called to dress modestly, with decency and propriety. (1 Timothy 2:9) So, why is it that this command from God -- this wonderful way to love our brothers (and sisters, by setting an example) in Christ seems to get tossed out the window when we go to the beach? It’s a question I’ve always had swimming around in my mind, something that’s always bothered me. It just didn’t make sense, it didn’t line up. If I wouldn’t be caught dead in a mini-skirt, underwear, or (fill in the blank) at the mall, church, or any other public place, how come it was no big deal to wear it to the beach? Because culture says it’s ok? Well, everyone else is doing it. Christians are doing it, so that must make it okay, right? Not exactly. As my father has said many times through the years, “If everyone jumps off a cliff, are you going to do it, too!?” That one’s a bit extreme, but still the same principle. It’s tempting to follow others and live by their standards, but that’s wrong. Jesus Christ is the standard, and we are called to live by His Word.

 Although this issue has always bothered me, I’ve never questioned it. To be quite honest, I’ve never questioned it because I didn’t want to be the one to change.  My intent here is not to offend or condemn. I simply want to challenge you as my sisters in Christ. After all, isn’t that what living life for Christ together is about? To challenge one another, encourage one another, sharpen one another, and point each other to Christ in order for Him to receive all the glory? I challenge you, my sisters, to think about this, to pray about this, and to study this for yourselves. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Summer goals

I love goals. I love lists. Pretty much anything that I can put a check mark beside or cross off to feel a sense of accomplishment! I've found that, for myself at least, when I make my goals known to others, I'm more likely to accomplish them :) I also love to inspire others! So, I came up with a fairly short list of summer goals that I'd like to achieve, starting May 1, and ending October 31. (OK, so it's more like Spring, Summer and Fall!)

1. Make 5 DIY projects on my Pinterest board.
2. Make 5 recipes on my Pinterest board.
3. Read the "Left Behind" series
4. Read 5 non-fictions books

  • "It's Not That Complicated" - Elizabeth & Anna Sofia Botkin
  • "So Much More" - Elizabeth & Anna Sofia Botkin
  • "Crazy Love" - Francis Chan
  • "Mere Christianity" - C. S. Lewis
  • "Preparing To Be His Help Meet" - Debbie Pearl
5. Complete a scrapbook
6. Run a 5k
7. Have a picnic at Fort Williams
8. Visit Acadia National Park (I'd love to climb Cadillac mountain if I can find someone to climb it with me. Any takers!?)
9. Spend a day at Funtown
10. Learn 3 new songs on the piano
11. Memorize the book of Titus
12. Spend an entire Saturday morning going to yard sales
13. Make homemade salsa from our fresh garden veggies

Go for it! Make a summer goal list of your own. I'd love to hear some of your ideas :)